On a recent trip to Ft. Bragg I had a chance to grab coffee with S.O.C.P® founder Greg Thompson. After exchanging some wrestling stories from the past, we got down to business and he gave me the run down on the direction he’s going his S.O.C.P® program and some other initiatives.
I’ve personally been through Deiter’s CQD course a few times and am a better operator for it. The course blends weapons and fighting and has some excellent stress scenarios that has left more than a few humbled—including myself (e.g. the hooded box). I asked Greg what the major difference in philosophy between his system and Dieter’s. He answered right away. “Dieter’s system doesn’t account for blindside attacks, all his stuff is from the 12″. This made sense to me right away, and I honestly couldn’t remember ever doing blindside training at Dieter (unless he’s doing something different these days).
Read more: http://kitup.military.com/2011/11/special-operations-combatives.html#ixzz27fzckNYx

This News & Events entry was posted on September 27th, 2012.