An extension of SOCP®, the SOCP-LV® course has been further customized to address discreet/covert and low visibility operating profiles and paradigms. This course expands the operator knowledge base and skill set with niche techniques purposely designed to overcome challenges associated with: plain clothes operations, minimalist weapon(s) concerns (including field expedient weapons), CQB MOD(s) and deviations, and myriad lone operator essential survival skills.
SOCP®-LV (Low Visibility) is based on current feedback from Soldiers, Marines and Federal agents traveling all over the world.
The emphasis is to give the student a realistic view of real-world engagements to allow them to establish tactics to help them with the encounter before, during and after. The Force-on-Force threat awareness scenarios and reaction drills will help students develop good decision-making under stress. This is crucial when moving up and down the use of force.
Training will include the following topics: Striking and Grappling, Weapons Transitioning and Retention, Edged and Impact Weapons, Improvised and makeshift weapons, Fighting with non-metallic edged weapons, Fighting in low light conditions, Live scenarios with role players, Scenarios with Multiple attackers, Blade design with tactical carry, One handed manipulations and Dual deployment of weapons.
SOCP®-LV Core Concepts & Advantages:
* Provides a task-specific skill set for the Special Operations.
* Technique ‘linkage’
* Techniques remain easy to remember and employ.
* Fighting/disengage and escaping multiple assailants, solo or as a team
* Fighting/disengage and escaping in and around vehicles
* Fighting/disengage and escaping hotel room
* Weapon transition & retention, standing or on ground
* 360 degree ambush attacks into and over objects
* Force continuum for the street (lethal/less-than-lethal options)
* How to prep and or dip your weapon undetected
* Edged Weapon counters and assaults
* OC Sprays, Tasers, Tactical lights, batons, Saps, Tactical Pens
* Makeshift and Improvised weapons
* Assessing your environment and threats
* Vehicle/room tampering and escapes
The SOCP®-LV developed curriculum stressing the importance of empty hand, blade combatives, and improvised weapons, as well as all applicable tactics for low visibility operations in high threat foreign countries.
Training will include the following topics: Blade and unarmed combatives, Weapons retention, Improvised weapons and blunt weapons, Fighting in low light conditions, Fighting with non-metallic edged weapons, Live scenarios with role players, Striking/Grappling with multiple attacker scenarios, Academic classes covering OODA Loop Theory, Blade design with tactical carry, Fire and movement with low visibility considerations, One handed manipulations/ Dual deployment of weapons, Weapons transitions.
The practical exercise, theory and application will consist of: Reactionary gap, Blade design, Tactical carry, Sheathing, Power strike, Various strike, Retention, Quick kill, Multiple target applications, Observe, Orient, Decide, Act (OODA) Loop Theory.
All training will focus on the defensive and offensive aspects of close quarters combat with both edged weapons, blunt weapons, and empty hand combatives. The training will reflect current attack scenarios in East Africa and all other low visibility, non-permissive Area of Operations.
The curriculum will stress the importance of concealed carry pistol marksmanship, empty hand and blade combatives, and improvised weapons, as well as all applicable tactics for low visibility operations in high threat foreign countries. Force-on-force drills, live-fire exercises, and threat awareness and reaction speed drills, during real-world scenarios utilizing a concealed carry platform.
All training will focus on the defensive and offensive aspects of close quarters combat with a Combat Pistol. Hands on, practical lessons consisting of 10% classroom and 90% submunitions and live-fire scenario-driven exercises will suffice. The curriculum should combine threat awareness, attack recognition, counter ambush tactics, and drills that combine decision-making under combat conditions, while in civilian clothes with a concealed holster. The training should reflect current attack scenarios in EA, and all other low visibility, non-permissive AOs, where American operatives face irregular forces and asymmetrical threats.
The emphasis needs to be on the real world conditions and the problems that will be encountered in these engagements. The focus should be to give the Operative a realistic view of close-proximity engagements and allow them to establish a set of priorities prior, during, and after the fight utilizing the OODA Loop Theory, which will significantly increase their survivability.